Our EPIC History

Founded in 1978

The Energy Generation Conference originated in 1978 as a Power Plant Operations Conference held in conjunction with the ND Rural Electric Cooperatives’ Annual Statewide Apprenticeship Training & Safety Conference. 

  • A small group of power plant personnel planned the agenda, with sessions presented by employees from local power plants and suppliers of power plant products and services.
  • The original planning committee had eight members, and there were eight company sponsors.
  • The first conference featured six vendor displays at the Bismarck Holiday Inn.

Growing to Meet Industry Needs

To meet the industry’s ever-changing needs, the Bismarck State College Power Plant Program Advisory Board asked if BSC could start its own training program. Bismarck Junior College (now Bismarck State College) came on board in 1980 to coordinate the inaugural Energy Generation Conference.

EPIC: Energy Progress and Innovation Conference
In 2020, the event’s name was changed again to better reflect the numerous industries and professions now represented at the conference, including utilities, industrial, renewables, technical services, engineering, and information technology.

Over the past 30 years, the conference has grown from a local event of 100 participants into an international event attended by more than 2,000 people. The planning committee now boasts more than 30 members and the conference has 30+ supporting companies. Exhibitor booths number in the hundreds.

Thanks to the contributions of many, the conference has surpassed the expectations of those who began it more than 40 years ago.