Breakout Sessions
This year’s conference offers learning opportunities for numerous industries and professions, including energy and power generation, utilities, engineering, information technology, and industrial and technical services providers.
Breakout Topics
Information Technology
- Bridging the IT and OT Cybersecurity Divide
- Considerations for Internet of Things Security
- Introduction to Cybersecurity Resiliency in Industrial Control Systems
Legal and Regulatory
- Performance Guarantees in Contracts
- Regulatory and Legal Challenges Facing the Lignite Industry
- Actuators – What Do I Need and What Are My Options?
- Battery Energy Storage Systems and Distribution Interconnections
- Best Practices for AC Drive Installations
- Cerilon GTL ND Project Overview and Strategic Importance for North Dakota
- Customized Intelligent Sootblowing: Maximizing Plant Performance
- DCS Logic Upgrades for Improved Operations
- Electric Power Markets and Grid Stability Panel
- Gas to Liquids Plant
- Low Emissions Valve Packing Best Practices
- Lubrication And Reliability
- Medium Voltage Presentation
- Submersible Pump Motor Protection, Maintenance, and Sump Management
- Types of Iron and Steel and their Classifications
Welding Aluminum

Professional Development and Leadership
- 7 Steps to Developing an Effective Employee Training Program
- Crucial Conversations: Getting Started
- Connecting Talent: Strategies for Local, National and Global Workforce Attraction
- Fueling Progress: Unleashing Your Creative Potential
- GEM Zone Effect: How To Unleash Your Superpower
- Holding It Together When Things Are Falling Apart: A Conversation About
- Resilience
- Increasing Your Impact & Influence With TRUST
- Leading Yourself
- Mental Health First Aide & Passing Through the Storm
Safety and Quality
- Harsh and Hazardous Areas: Classification, Installation and Maintenance
- I&E Area Classifications, Basics of Biohazardous Location Ratings, IP Ratings, Class Div and Group Rating
- Machinery Safety Strategies and Solutions
- Particulate Matter CEMS – Technology and Quality Assurance Requirements
Trends and Hot Topics
- Decarbonization – Great! But What Is It Actually?
- PFAS Emissions Testing for Stationary Sources
- Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals in North Dakota
- Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel for Electricity Production
- Trends in the Power Industry